0:18 it seems as good a time as any. 新型のアイフォンの発売を前に皆で何を期待したいのかについて論じる丁度いい時だ。 0:05 Turning 50 is a major milestone in anyone's life, but when the world's most famous secret agent turns 50, we think that's as good a reason as any to raise a glass, provided of course it's a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. 0:27 it was as good an excuse as any to miss a day of school. この上ない欠席理由
a-3210 as good a spot as any
a-4903 as good a time as any
a-9793 as anyone
b-4561 as good a place as any
b-5015 as valid as any
b-5425 as good a way to die as any
b-5767 as opinionated as any