

悪い結果を予期させる時に使われる言い方がwhat has come of somebodyです。2:15 what has become of the man who is allegedly to blame for this accident? この転覆事故を起こした主犯とおぼしき船長の処遇はどうなっているのか?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtCWOkadGTY 1:24 officer DePrimo doesn't know anything about the man he helped or what's become of him. デプリモ巡査は世話してやったホームレスがどうなったかはまったくわからないと言っている。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbP1Hx6vFtU 1:45 should be the one and only person to determine what becomes of him. 患者のことは患者自身が決めるべき
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gCbu-RnXxE 4:56 so what became of him? ピーナッツバターを平らげた彼のその後はどうですか?

a-4153 what has become of
b-3102 what's become of
b-3351 become somewhat of