

throw saltですが、日本とは違い塩をこぼしたら右手で塩を一掴み肩越しに後ろに投げることが(悪魔祓い)のお清めです。人に対して塩はまきません。throw salt over your shoulder after you spilled it. 向こうではspilling salt(塩をこぼすこと)はbad luckです。2:40 throwing it over your left shoulder where Lucifer was supposed to be chilling out. it was the way to keep them away. 悪魔が鎮座する左肩越しに塩をまくのは悪魔への目潰しの意味がある。

5 Common Traditions Explained

3:32 you take a pinch of salt and you throw it over your left shoulder.

American Superstitions: Superstitions Around the World