

on the lookout for somethingといいます。0:27にあります。you are always on the lookout for better ways to clean.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26Sn0_aQleM 1:17 so both women and their doctors need to be on the lookout for things like pain or sagging or asymmetry in the future 患者も医者もお乳のたるみ、痛み、左右の非対称には注意を払わなければいけない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcAQAsXwWEE&feature=feedu 0:43 through the mist they are on the look out for new cases of a devastating tree disease 霧のなか、彼らは胴枯れ病の被害地域の発見に努めている。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfFrnzkZfmI 0:43 These birds are always on the lookout for edible orbs and jackal proof packaging. ハゲタカは常にジャッカルに食われない美味しい丸いもの(つまり、ダチョウの卵)をさがしている。
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/04/blog-post_7435.html 5:09 young people were on the lookout for something new.

a-2497 on the lookout for
a-6140 on the lookout for
a-9946 on the lookout for food