

take care of someoneだけが世話をするではありません。take someone under your wingを使えば、世話をする・守ってやる・庇護する・保護する・指導するなどの意味が出てきます。4;24 he pressures the mogul to take him under his wing. マーチンはケイン演じる詐欺師の大御所に弟子入りを認めさせる圧力をかけた。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6vIHMb2vcs  254 even local teenagers took him under their wings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KWXirZJF8o 0:51 she took us under her wing. she bought us into the kitchen and taught us everything she knew. 知り合いのチョコレート職人は自分達を職場に招き入れてくれて、チョコレート作りの全てを教えてくれた。
http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50151339n 28:16 a Kansas City investment banker, Joey McLiney, took Joseph under his wing and put him in the saddle.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnWQqBYJ5ro#t=427 1:23:41 this is the thanks I get for taking you under my wing? あんたに目をかけてやったのに、恩を仇で返すの?

a-431 taking the fake under its wing
a-587 took him under his wing
a-4244 under her wings