
north ofとは?

すでにどこかで述べてはいますが、念のためにbe north ofとは北側、上のほう、、、つまりoverの意味です。1:35 he says he will keep buying and keep the faith that gold price will head north eventually.彼は(金価格下落にめげずに)金を買い増して、最終的に相場が上向くことを信じている。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS4PhWQzBJc 5:47
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-ShSGz89mA 17:40 the gold and silver have to hit highs, north of 5000 dollars an ounce. 金や銀はオンスあたり5000ドル以上の高値になるはずだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3heaJgdHt7I 1:12 average prices here are north of 4 dollars a gallon カリフォルニアのガソリンの平均価格は5ドルに近い
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDhf7ue9N98  1:14 you can look back and there have been no presidents re-elected when unemployment's north of (=above) 8%. 失業率が8パー以上で再選された大統領はいない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFF9rSOCr-k 0:44 it ranks somewhere south of that make-out session between Al Gore and Tipper in 2000 but north of the double royal and all British pecks between Will and Kate.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Kl4dNhyXA 8:22 I'd say the 10-year, we'd get north of 2.4. 10年もの国債で言えば、2.4パーセント以上になるかもしれない。

a-765 north of
a-2456 rocket northwards
a-3431 north of
a-5940 north of
a-6423 north of
b-1419 shot north
b-5714 north of
b-6982 north of