
throw a monkey wrench intoとは?

邪魔、サボタージをするということです。これはthrow a monkey wrench into the machinery.(機械の中にモンキーレンチを投げ入れると動かなくなるから来ています。フランス語のサボタージもまったく同じ由来です。0:18 It would throw a wrench into the gears of our economy at a time when those gears have gained some traction. 共和党主導の政府封鎖は回復基調にあったアメリカ経済に水を差すことになるだろう。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpGZa6-yUcw&feature=feedu 0:22
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbe1aB_Lqlw 1`5:30 let me throw a wrench in the works here. ちょっと話の腰を折っていいですか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwg6UhvXs2A 7:56 look what's going on in Italy right now with Beppe Grillo throwing a monkey wrench into the corrupt parties. 今のイタリアの情勢を見てみると、コメディアンのベッペ・グリッロが汚職まみれの政党に一石を投じている
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtYZYxvsToM  1:12 このシーンがまさにこのイディオムの由来です。
James Bond Goldeneye Final Cradle fight between Bond and Trevelyan!!!! HQ

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/11/gum-up-something.html  gum up something 動きを鈍くする

a-4066 threw a giant monkey wrench into
a-5402 throwing a wrench into the gears of
a-6097 throw a wrench into
a-9341 throwing a wrench into the pandemic relief bill
a-9359 threw a spanner in the works
a-9967 throwing a monkey wrench into his plan
b-0334 throw a spanner in the works
b-1351 throw a wrench into
b-4471 thrown a wrench into
b-4540 the monkey in the wrench