

後世のため、後学のため、for posterityです。 最後のほうにあります。However, the heritage dram won't be tasted as it's being preserved for posterity.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h93Cz0SKBU&feature=g-all-u 3:30 this is a man's canvas you are watching here and the varnish to preserve it for posterity like an old painting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG0CLhgwcho 53:24 for posterity, we're going to make your famous.テレビカメラ陣は後学のためさ、君は一躍有名になるぞ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe_bFxiCB7w  3:22 can I keep that for posterity? 後学のためにもらってもいいですか?

a-322 for posterity
a-787 for posterity
a-4899 for posterity sake, for-posterity-sake
a-5636 for posterity