

cross that bridge when you come to it がピッタリしています。26:30 I figure I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. そうだな、それはその時になったら考えればいいじゃないか。

Love comes softly
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wsH1rSuRWE 1:13:15 what's going to happen the two of you? we always said we would cross that bridge when we came to it. そのときが来たらあんたたちはどうなるの?いつも、そん時が来たら考えましょって決めてたの。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1TzUxKvjwY 2:14 I'm worried that after I graduate and I earn this law degree, I am not going to be able to find a job. but I will cross that bridge once i get to it. その弁護士の卵はこう言ってた。卒業して法学士の称号を頂いても職にありつけないかもしてない。でもそれは出たとこ勝負だ。

a-2611 I will cross that bridge when I come to it
a-5189 cross that bridge when we get there
b-2299 cross that bridge when we get to it
b-2852 that's a bridge we cross if we have to get there
b-4502 cross that bridge when we come to it
b-5871 cross that bridge when we come to it