
many a = many

古い言い方の名残です。0:04 the 4th candle on many a German Advent Wreath has been lit. ここの家でも降臨節(クリスマスのこと)の花輪の四本目のローソクに火がともった。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGwXaw654h8 0:59 it happened to me many a time. 災い転じて福となすは私の経験上多々あったことだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqOdu2xjlBA 0:50 for many a lonely day = many lonely days
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iCY-noGbas 2:00 and many a tear lives on in my eye

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngVYT9GRz6I 1:37 Reflection can take many forms. When families and friends come together at Christmas, it’s often a time for happy memories and reminiscing.
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/11/too-aan.html  too + 形容詞 + a/an + 名詞

a-3111 many a time
a-9243 many a grown-up
b-0563 many a decade
b-3978 many of putin's assets 注;図らずしも、ひっかけ問題となってしまった。many a と聞き間違う可能性がある。
b-4167 for many a day
b-5008 many an earthquake