

beyond the shadow of a doubtという決まり文句があります。 Letters in her father's own handwriting would prove his guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. unequivocalにも似たような意味があります。an unequivocal success(非の打ち所がない成功)0:14 Education is an economic issue when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that countries that out-educate us today, they will out-compete us tomorrow. 教育は経済問題だ。これは疑いの余地がない。アメリカ以上の教育を受けている国はやがてアメリカを追い抜くだろう。

We open as Shane Daniels (Steven Seagal) stands before a judge in jail house blues. He listens as the judge tells him that he has the Arizona states apology for spending the last fifteen years incarcerated for a violent murder he didn't commit. That DNA evidence has proven his innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Judge asks if there is anything he wants to say. A visibly angry Shane asks them if they can give him his life back.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsAa9VmwOaI&NR=1&feature=fvwp 0:27 unequivocally yes!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F51GlNxcJ7E 2:58 without the shadow of a doubt
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qKCoearIpU 6:48 this proves it, beyond the shadow of a doubt
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post_29.html 間違いないを英語でなんと言うか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzDnZ8jxV-Q 0:23 this appears to be, beyond the shadow of a doubt, Muammar Qaddafi この写真はまぎれも無くカダフィー大佐だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMzBmSVlLvs 21:53 beyond a shadow of a doubt that our ancestors were standing and walking around on two legs. ルーシーのような私達の祖先は間違いなく直立二足歩行をしていた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRWpjssAGu4 0:08 It's the academic conclusion of the University of Leicester that beyond a reasonable doubt the individual exhumed at Greyfriars in September 2012 is indeed Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England, レスター大学の考古学チームはグレーフライアーズ教会跡地から2012年9月に見つかった人骨についてまさしく疑いの余地なく、プランタジネット朝最後のイングランド国王、リチャード3世のものであると断定した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLpEi--NO_A 3:14 the fact that we all descended from a common ancestor is beyond question.