距離にもよりますが、right under your noseが一番近くの目と鼻の先になります。just a stone’s throw away from somethingかも知れません。1:21 Charlie Chaplin was born just a stone's throw from here on London's South Bank. チャップリンはここサウスバンクから程近いところで生まれた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WXZfEzQ7eM 0:18 right under the noses of the country's politicians. 政治家の目と鼻の先で
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KxpPNbQvY4 3:57 one place that reminds Kaye of the way people bonded together the days after the attacks is just a stone's throw from the ground zero....St Paul's Cathedral.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zMORYlQwY4 9:06 pillage right under our noses 目と鼻の先で起こっている略奪
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SBrJX_zVfI 4:58 just a stone's throw away アクロポリスはすぐそこに見える。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fZyuLtH4X4&feature=related&ytsession=fDCmePEkWxfr01b9oqNwuD432DYbVyYrJtn-hLCy85oABvZH531jUTYOI9EMxkZy71_3Je7pBKmXV8KfOBZgK87ECSzZsH4ev263uTjAdOWx3gHG617l-DKvYjTtY6ovcxIvB_CEPZoyHfSyTBJDFbPvw9ytPB72Xu4YqzaXCB73SBZ5WUJv2idWOHuCR8_WWNnqbMbQewYpFoGFlHS1JTsjK6vZo4_vF8QVIb_DvLs 18:46 a stone's throw (away) from where she was brought up
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjsdn57t8qY 0:58 they live right under our noses. 人間のすぐ目の前で生きている。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=OHDwcwARo6c&feature=endscreen 1:04 Dorner was hiding essentially right under their noses for most of the manhunt.ドナー容疑者は警察の大掛かりな捜索中にもすぐ目と鼻の先に潜伏していた。
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/07/blog-post_3109.html 目の前を英語でなんと言うか?
a-614 a stone's throw
a-724 only a stone's throw
a-1734 stolen from under their noses
a-1984 right under the mayor's nose
a-2838 a stone's throw away from
a-3063 right under your nose
a-3498 just a stone's throw away
a-4534 right under our noses
a-7970 just a stone's throw from
a-9002 a stone's throw away from the White House
b-2570 just a stone's throw from
b-5126 right under her nose
b-6949 a stone's throw away from