

fillup(0:08)は名詞でfill up, gas up(fill her up, gas her upのように使います)が給油するになります。refill my gas tank, refuelと言う単語も使えます。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldyl_h_npbQ  0:38 to fill up their tanks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whGdQUsv9e0 fill up the tanks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=-jCd6vIF8Co&feature=fvwp 0:38 without the fiber, it's actually not going to fill you up as much. 繊維質抜きでは、あまり満腹感は得られない。

0;37 safety certainly on the minds of many as they carried on with their to-do lists, like gassing up and grocery shopping. 給油と食料品の購入。

Wet Snow Falls On Long Island

a-3196 fill her up