

0;12 it's like the movie "serendipity" where a chance encounter leads to a search for love. 偶然の出会いが愛を探し求めるというセレンディピティという映画のようだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSl62V3DCV4 1:02 a chance encounter at a New York hotel in 2006 started it all. すべては2006年のニューヨークのホテルでの出会いから始まった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdyoRefpWP4 2:12 she was a Colombian escort. he was a secret service agent. a chance encounter. a night of passion. 女はコロンビア人の情婦。男はシークレットサービス。偶然の出会い。一夜の情事。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ2Fjqld2_A&feature=related 34:22 but in the skies over England, a chance encounter almost blows the plane's cover. イングランド上空での、民間機との遭遇で大統領機の素性がバレるところだった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYkLByB7HQ4 12:20 if it hadn't been for a chance encounter on a train, a historic partnership would never have been formed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhMi0tkYyT8 11:32 That chance encounter with those kids on the street with their knives led me to my surgical team, their training and their skill and always a little bit of luck pushed back against chaos. thank you. 不運なめぐり合わせ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd4xD6GU0MQ  32;28 chance meeting

a-1699 chance meeting
a-2596 a serendipity of
b-5636 serendipitous
b-6755 serendipity