

smack in the middleといいます。0:04 In the early '90s, John Veasey was a man with an unusual occupation: He killed people. Veasey was a hit man in the Philadelphia Mafia and found himself smack in the middle of the bloodiest mob war in the city's history. ヴィーシーはマフィアの殺し屋でフィラデルフィア最大のマフィア抗争の真っ只中にいた。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5U8Ue_-BuA 1:30 smack in the center of town is Sabatiello's イタリア料理のサバテロズはこの街のど真ん中にある。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HihGQvyWjp4 0:47 a good healthy one is right smack at 18%. 丁度いいチップは18%です。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf9DoOjzB9o 1:38 smack-dab in the middle of Tuscaloosa, Alabama

a-1239 smack dab right in the middle of
a-1701 smack in the middle
a-2312 smack dab in the middle of
a-4041 smack dab in the middle of
a-4186 smack in the middle of
a-4475 right smack in the center of
a-9342 smack in the middle of
b-4204 smack in the middle of
b-5143 smack dab in the heart of