1:30 smack in the center of town is Sabatiello's イタリア料理のサバテロズはこの街のど真ん中にある。 0:47 a good healthy one is right smack at 18%. 丁度いいチップは18%です。 1:38 smack-dab in the middle of Tuscaloosa, Alabama
a-1239 smack dab right in the middle of
a-1701 smack in the middle
a-2312 smack dab in the middle of
a-4041 smack dab in the middle of
a-4186 smack in the middle of
a-4475 right smack in the center of
a-9342 smack in the middle of
b-4204 smack in the middle of
b-5143 smack dab in the heart of