

尖塔(せんとう)に当たる英語がspireです。しかしspireだけを頭に入れるのは片手落ちです。gargoyle(日本建築では鬼瓦に相当)とセットで憶えておきましょう。spireとgargoyleは中世のゴシック式のカトリック教会には欠かせない要素でした。0:05 We're going to be hoisting the last piece of spire that will bring it to its ultimate height pinnacle of 1776. It's a 22 ton structure that will house all state of the art lighting facilities as well as a beacon that will be seen for miles around and give a tremendous indication to people around the entire region and the world that we're back and we're better than ever.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWEgAZ6r0so 0:26 its design to mimic a church spire has led to admiration and horror in equal measure. 教会の尖塔に似せたシャードの設計は世論を賛美と畏怖で二分している。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX2HFVHbo18&feature=related 0:26 to ward off bad weather, they fitted a hideous gargoyle on the bow. 悪天候を退治するために醜い魔よけ(筆者)を船首に添えた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLUa4W1fIp8 0;20 the national cathedral loses the tip of the spire.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG0CLhgwcho 1:45:41 I could show you the Notre Dame Cathedral with the gargoyles.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXkiUna7vd0 One World Trade Center: Spire Time Lapse Video - 2013
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2022/06/20220629-b.html  私の英語ノート 2022/06/29-b

a-4750 a huge spire
b-1815 spire
b-4427 a gargoyle