

put through pacesで能力、実力、技量を試すという意味になります。take through pacesも同じような意味です。paces というのは「歩かせてみる」くらいの意味です。 0:33 Franky takes it through its paces in his native Marseille. フランクさんは生まれ故郷のマルセイユでフライボード試運転をしている

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89xDtgc_Kh4  0:05 Dennis Rodman was taking his own team of fellow American NBA veterans through their paces. デニス・ロッドマンは自己チームのNBAの古株たちに腕慣らしをさせた
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZKE-2zszbI  0:32 not exactly dream conditions for putting this Hi-tech speedster through its paces. 生憎の雨なので、このハイテクマシンの能力を引きだすベストコンディションとは言いがたい。

a-531 through the paces
a-925 put through its paces
a-1272 put through the usual paces
a-1779 put the spaceships through their paces
a-2558 going through its paces
a-3300 put the track through its paces
a-4527 put this potential suitor through his paces
b-0156 put it through the paces
b-1475 put the camera through its paces
b-2660 run all hardware, all the software through its paces