

先週あたりからヒイラギが売られている。そろそろ節分かなと思ったが妙に暖かいのが玉に瑕(たまにきず)といったところか。節分はsetsubunでいいでしょう。0:15 Setsubun usually refers to the dividing of the seasons. 0:26 it means that Spring is coming soon. 1:12 鬼は外、福は内 the evil is out, the luck is in.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_C9Debm_lw  1:00 roasted soy beans. 煎った豆 1:22 right in between two seasons. 1:34 commemorating the beginning of (the) Spring.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpfKCufQorg  0:38 a lucky direction roll 恵方巻き
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeMkaN_rEMo  1:42 people call it the bean throwing festival, sometimes.