2:16 a man who doesn't usually wear his heart on his sleeve, I think, did to an extent. 普段は感情を表さない法皇だが、今日はいろいろな表情をつくって見せてくれた。 1:18 throughout the trial, she's been wearing her emotions on her sleeve as every piece of evidence is presented. 裁判中、ケーシー・アンソニー被告は証拠が提示されるたびに感情をあらわにした。 0:27 Ethan wears heart on the sleeve. 息子のイーサンは情のある子だ。
a-3113 wear his emotion on his sleeve
a-3403 wear his heart on his sleeve
a-7035 wears its heart on sleeve
a-7998 display his heart on his sleeve
b-2853 wear family on their corporate sleeve