

come what mayはno matter whatよりも格調が高い感じがあります。28:58 come what may, we will not submit to this law. どのような事態に陥ろうとも、われわれはこのような法律を受け入れることはない。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfBo1DfCKsw 0:10 Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who along with his father is accused by the International Criminal Court of crimes against humanity, told a group of families from Benghazi that fighting the rebels would continue, come what may. 父親と共に国際司法裁判所から人道に対する罪で起訴されているサイフ・アルイスラム・カダフィ氏は何があろうとも反政府勢力との戦闘は続けるとベンガジから来た支持者達に訴えた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQIT15cRaAQ 2:55 or DO you follow it, come what may. 、、、それとも、何があろうとも米国憲法を守り抜く覚悟ですか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSotVzURRk8 0:28 I will speak and I will speak only the truth as I understand it come what may.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCi710-q_Bs 18:30 the king said that he would marry Mrs. Simpson come what may.

a-713 come what may
a-1339 come what may