

put something/someone firstといいます。first things first(何はともあれ、何はさておき)というイディオムがありますが、私はこれはput first things firstがもともとの言い方だったと思っています。7:22 Kaoru Arai is a professional harpist. she epitomizes the country's new breed of successful and financially independent women who are putting career first and postponing marriage and motherhood. ハーピストの新井薫さんは経済的に独立を果たし結婚子育てよりもキャリアを優先させる日本の新世代の女性の象徴だ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZM4pPIiU0 1:53 putting your own satisfaction first.てめえの快感を優先しやがって、、
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPmpm-1JPR0 2:42 first things first, congratulations. 何はともあれ、昇進おめでとう。

12:41 at the moment, for us, it's going to be making sure that our relationship is always put first. 今のところ、二人の関係を最優先させるつもりだ。

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle detail proposal and romance| First post-engagement Interview

a-1572 first things first
a-1972 put our kids' interest first
a-3718 first things first
a-3815 put the interest of the nation first
b-0421 putting trump's personal and political interests ahead of the law