

他の単語はさておいて、buddingburgeoningの二語をおぼえましょう。0:04 she's a budding artist. 奈奈ちゃんは駆け出しのアーチストです。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru0Tk9L6SdA 0:16 the 28-year old is just a type of budding figure International Brands want as their local endorser. この28歳の青年は国際ブランドや地元の関係者たちが求め止まない頭角を現し始めたファッションデザイナーだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xONutbTt3_0 1:46 however that was not the end of the road for this budding star. コンテストで優勝できなかったことはこの花開く歌姫には何の障害にもならなかった
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQui-B1UhKk 1:24 wages are rising for the burgeoning middle class. 台頭してきた中流階級の所得は上がっている。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uZqnglWJc0 0:33 budding romance 芽生えた恋
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baB12M_0BdQ 0:45 The budding songstress introduced herself to the underground scene under names like Sparkle Jump Rope Queen and Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMZBkNdvPJE 0:46 After getting on-screen practice in commercials, she landed her first TV role in the family drama “Get Real” in 1999. While that show lasted less than a year, it was the boost Hathaway’s burgeoning career needed.

a-4628 burgeoning
a-8506 a budding chef
b-3754 burgeoning interest
b-7072 burgeoning relationship