

0:02 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have named their son George Alexander Louis. It means the heir, and third in line to the throne, will be knows as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge. ケンブリッジ公夫妻(ケイトとウイリアム)は生まれたばかりの長男にジョージ・アレクサンダー・ルイと名付けた。ということは、この王位継承第三位の赤ちゃんが授かる称号は「ケンブリッジ公ジョージ王子」に決定ということだ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrcW7MUR2kc 1:05 Prince William and Kate's son, whose name has not been revealed, is now third in line to the British Throne. ウイリアムとケイトの長男はまだその名を明かされていないが、イギリス王位継承順位は第三位だ。

0:58 seventh in line for the throne.

It's All Smiles With Trump And Putin

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/07/blog-post_3036.html  長子相続(ちょうしそうぞく)を英語でなんと言うか?

a-1422 in line to the throne
a-3986 in line to the throne
a-4968 fifth in line to the throne
b-0161 next in line to the presidency
b-0380 eighth in the line of succession
b-4638 third in line to the presidency
b-4642 second in line to
b-4731 the next in line to the Genovian throne