0;01 Spirit Arilines is known for often some of the cheapest airfares around. and maybe you have to expect a little different level of service, serive like carry-on bag fees, in exchange for the bang for your buck you get. 1:26 maybe at the same price that gives you a little bit more bang for your buck. 3:53 do we really get a bang for a buck? do we get value for money? 1:35 one veteran royal watcher says the increase is small and the country is still getting value for money. あるベテランの王室番曰く、チャールズが貰う国民の血税はやや増えたが、それよってイギリス国民が得るものの方が大きい、、だとさ。 2:37 more bang for the buck
参考リンク やるを英語でなんと言うか? ポンドの別名
a-377 a bang to your buck
a-1114 bang for their buck
a-1475 bang for its buck
a-2124 bang for your tuition dollar 授業料に見合った教育
a-2126 the best value for your money
a-2291 more bang for my buck
a-2652 bang for their buck
a-4256 more bang for the buck
a-4676 bang for your buck
a-4901 the bang for your buck
a-7746 get more bang for your buck
b-0540 get so much more bang for your buck
b-1141 less bang for your buck