

赤線の語源は遊郭地区を赤線で囲ったことに由来している。ということはつまり純粋な日本語ということになる。英語では赤灯地区、赤灯街のような言い方になります。0:03 For many of the millions of tourists who visit Amsterdam each year, the city's red light district with its famed prostitutes in windows, brothels and cannabis-selling coffee shops, is one of the main reasons to visit the Netherlands. 毎年アムステルダムを訪れる数百万の観光客にとって、街の赤線の窓際の遊女、遊郭、そして喫茶店で手に入る大麻などがオランダ観光の目玉になっている。注;売春婦の失礼にならない呼び方はsex worker(1:14)です。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_-TK8h0W_M  0:23 Tokyo's red light district 歌舞伎町
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m88hxSzcwkw 0:13 To mark World AIDS day, a uniquely dressed Elvis impersonator toured the Thai seaside resort of Pattaya, well known for its red light district. 歓楽街で有名なパタヤ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz7R4qSdJB0  14:40 I have visited the red light district.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n_2F8FeC8w&feature=relmfu  3:33 can I ask how long have you been a sex worker? この呼称が現在のPC(political correctness)です。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w08-Bpjsz5k  0:48 in Paris, brothels advertised where they were by lighting a red lamp outside their doors, which is how the term red light district was born.
The Surprising Reason Why Prostitution Is Illegal