

つけまわる、いつもついてまわる、、、犬の仕草をイメージしてdog(動詞)といいます。5:02 Jackson went to trial in 2005 and was eventually acquitted of the new charges, but he was still dogged with rumors for the rest of his life. よからぬ噂が一生彼を付きまとった。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvQM2J7p2kA  0:31 Cain has also been dogged by several allegations of sexual harassment. 大統領候補のハーマン・ケイン氏は多くのセクハラの疑惑にまとわりつかれている。
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/11/blog-post_20.html  ツケが回ってくるを英語でなんと言うか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K7yB3fjDmY 0:37 Cardinal Keith O'Brien has been dogged by allegations he abused four men studying to be priests in the 1980s.

a-1479 dogged tortoise determination
a-7778 dogged by
a-8428 a dogged opponent
b-4396 dogged
b-6868 dogged by questions