ナントカの真っ最中であるといいたいときにはin the thick of itが使えます。in the thick of thingsとも言います。0:48 when you find yourself in the thick of it, help yourself to a bit of what is all around you, silly girl. どつぼにはまった時は身近なものが役に立つ、仕方の無い娘だ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rrMTzn3-pc 0:03 ABC's Lindsey Davis, in the thick of it all, at the Jersey city Target ABC記者のリンゼイさんが、ブラックフライデーセールの真っ只中のジャージー市のターゲット(ダイエーのような大手スーパー)から生中継です。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drnZlRxOpCg&feature=relmfu 0:46 our producer Lucy Kafanov has been in the thick of things for days now. ルーシーさん何日もはこの騒ぎの渦中に身をおいて(報道して)いる
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RYRYnqjy8I 0:13 Anissa you are really in the thick of the rally.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqaoCBF4TEU 1:22 we will be in the thick of it
a-456 in the thick of it
a-6072 in the thick of things
a-7024 in the thick of things
a-8540 in the thick of it
b-1537 in the thick of it
b-2790 in the thick of it
b-3773 in the thick of it
b-6787 in the thick of