

ビジネスの才覚のことでbusiness acumenといいます。わらしべ長者のように安く仕入れたものを高く売るのが良い例です。1:31 Bill Gates has the technical and business acumen, as well as the vision to be a strong voice in the tech world. ビルゲイツは技術革新、商才に長け、IT業界のご意見番としても君臨したいようだ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq0kv4n5Yfs 0:05 Amid the din of economic nonsense being bandied about since the collapse of the housing bubble and the steep ramping up of our national debt there has been the persistent refrain that Washington should be "run more like a business". If only more business people were in charge to wield their business acumen, we would have this country in shape in no time. But is that a good solution?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBEbW0cxCFo&feature=feedu 3:57 So, my view is, QE2 has actually been harmful to the outlook because it diverted everybody's business acumen to staring at the Fed and saying, "What are they going to do next?" 量的緩和第二弾に対する私の所見はそいつはたんにみんなのビジネス感覚を鈍らせただけ、だって皆が連邦準備銀行の顔色をうかがいながら一体どんな才覚を発揮しろというんだい?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_2377.html わらしべ長者を英語でなんと言うか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihY7b1cQkTw 2:03 it was her business acumen.成功したのは彼女のビジネスセンスのお陰。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di2vY0uz2Ng  2;30 She then used her marketing skills, business acumen and a $5 thousand investment to start her cosmetics company.

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